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Trisha Patidar

Interaction & Experience Designer 

Hi, I am a design graduate from IIT Hyderabad. I am passionate about intricate interactions and impacting end-user experience. My work areas include design systems, digital accessibility, and product-based problem-solving. So, far I worked with Blue Yonder, Bosch, Suzuki, and some startups. My core skill areas are detailed problem-solving, creating interactions, data visualization, extensive research, and empathy.

As a designer, every day I look up to challenging tasks, new concepts, ideas, philosophy, ideologies, and experiences which drive me to learn more and broaden my perspective to understand & deliver better.

UX Experience

Jan 2024 - June 2024

May 2023 - Jul 2023

March 2023 - July 2023

Feb 2022- April 2022

Jan 2021- May 2021

Blue Yonder, Panasonic, Hyderabad

Graduation Project BY X IITH

  • Designing Visual Semiotics focusing on non-linguistic visual signs in Map based Web Apps in Blue Yonder

  • Design system for Map component Library, catering to 5+ Platforms. Standardized guidelines will be used by 7000+ Employees.

Bosch Global Software Technologies, Bengaluru

User Experience Design Internship

  • Engaged in B2B and B2C contexts, contributing to projects for Bosch's internal and external spheres.

  • Conducted user interviews and tested existing models while performing note-taking, data synthesis, and insights collection.

  • Generated design concepts and ideas, crafted wireframes to enhance user experience, and ultimately enriched the product's overall impact.

Suzuki Innovation Centre, Hyderabad

Web Designing Internship

  • Redesigning the website for Suzuki Innovation Center, to uplift their brand identity and work for improving micro-interactions, and overall visual interaction.

  • Working with the entire department at SIC for Brand designing, Information posts, and posters for increasing engagement on Social media, events, and recruitment.


User Experience Designer

  • Created 40+ desktop screens and coordinated with 4 developers for feature development, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency.

  • Took ownership of major micro-interactions & UI decisions that improved user experience.

Design and Planning Counsel (DPC) Ahmedabad 

Design Intern

  • Produced 10+ digital renders for the product line, leading to increased client requirements.

  • Generated 8 logo iterations and 4 brochures for marketing campaigns, resulting in an increase in brand awareness

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