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Project involving self-driven experimentation and independent problem-solving.

2 Weeks

Academic third-semester project at IIT Hyderabad

Under Head of Design Department 

Prof. Prasad Omkar

3 Months

Design Task - OPTUM

4 Days

Career Craft LinkedIn

A match-making adviser feature for the LinkedIn.

The journey of every individual is unique in nature. People come from different schooling patterns and university degrees and develop their behavioral and performance capabilities through their experiences and learning over time. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to common advice.
The critical career transitions require professional advice from someone who empathizes with the journey pattern.


A Tailored System Design

Optimising Agricultural Labor Management in Nimar region of Madhya Pradesh.

Create a comprehensive system for connecting agriculture farm owners with contractors and labor on-demand, facilitated through a user-friendly mobile application or alternative platforms. The primary goal is to ensure that this system maximizes benefits for all stakeholders.


Elerly Care and Connect

An application for nurses to guide, notify, and keep record of all the caring services to be given to patient and take feedback, appoinment from doctors time to time during home care services.


Research Work, group project as a part of  Academic Carriculam at IIT Hyderabad

3 Weeks

Infographics, Data Visualisation, Information Design Individual Work | Academic Project at IITH

3 Weeks

Productivity of Design Students in IITH

The final goal for this project is to help increase the productivity of design students and ultimately the department, by creating an interactive and encouraging environment, and spaces/platforms for interactions within the community. This would also provide peer support, motivation, feedback, and much-needed breaks.


History of Indian Newspapers
Data Privacy
Timeline Interaction

Examine the evolution of newspapers in India from their inception, and assess the influence of different legal frameworks and revolutionary movements on the development of newspapers in both Hindi and English languages.


Industry Projects


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